On Saturday, it was my mom´s birthday (my real mom), and coincidentally (I think not), it was also a day of celebration for the Liberales. The two political parties here are the Colorados (red) and the Liberales (blue). The Colorados have been in power for a long while, and a new, blue president was recently elected. I woke up early to the Liberales theme song blaring from the stereo. Paraguayans love their music loud, and they pimp their rides out with huge sound systems that take up most of the space in the back of a truck. I heard this song repeatedly throughout the day, as the majority of my comminity is liberal. My family owns a CD that contains all of the songs you might need for any occassion. There are anthems, theme songs, a happy birthday, and even a wedding tune.
For breakfast I had my usual cafe con leche, but this time with crushed peanuts. Peanuts are a staple crop here, and they are so good roasted and put through a molino (grinder). I think I´m going to have to invest in a molino of my own. You can grind anything by hand. The other day I toasted some soybeans and dry corn, but it through the molino and fed it to our baby chicks.
After breakfast, I made soymilk and then sopa paraguaya in the clay oven. I also finally got to make zucannoes, which I shared with the community member who contributed to the dish. One guy gave me the zucchinies, I got soy meat from another woman, and one family gave me eggs. I could get used to this it-takes-a-community-to-make-a-meal mentality.
I have a lot more to say, but I have to run back to class now. Peace.
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